Pediatric dentists can offer young patients a dental crown to restore the appearance, health, and function of a damaged tooth. Early intervention in dental damage is crucial in children because it prevents serious long-term oral health complications.
Dental crowns are resilient ceramic caps that cover the entire surface of a tooth and seal into place with dental cement. Though they can withstand typical wear and tear, they may break if exposed to abnormal circumstances and pressure. A damaged crown can leave the underlying tooth exposed and in danger of further dental problems.
You should react promptly if your child’s crown becomes loose, breaks, or dislodges from a tooth. You may better take action if you know what to do ahead of this dental emergency. Read on to discover steps you should take to restore your child’s dental crown if it sustains damage.
Call Your Pediatric Dentist Right Away
If your child complains about a loose, dislodged, or cracked dental crown or feels pain in the affected tooth, do not wait until the child’s next regularly scheduled dental check-up to tell their pediatric dentist about the issue. Give the dentist’s office a call right away.
Avoid using over-the-counter glues or cements to fix the crown on your own. This will likely damage the crown further rather than help your child’s smile. The dentist can provide advice over the phone to manage immediate symptoms related to the damaged crown.
If you delay contacting the dentist about the broken crown, bacteria in your child’s mouth can infiltrate the vulnerable tooth. This can put your child at risk of tooth decay, infections, and other issues. So call your child’s pediatric dentist right away.
Bring Your Child to an Emergency Dentist Appointment
Because a damaged dental crown requires urgent attention, your dentist will ask you to take your child to an emergency dental appointment as soon as possible. Make sure you bring the crown to the dentist’s office if it has fallen off of the tooth.
The dentist will examine the affected tooth, the crown, and the surrounding areas of the mouth to look for signs of damage. If the crown remains intact, the dentist can secure it back over the tooth during this appointment.
If the crown sustained too much structural damage, the child may require a new crown. While the dentist constructs a custom crown, they can provide the young patient with a temporary one to keep the tooth safe. They will need to return to the dentist’s office to receive the new permanent crown when it is ready in a few weeks.
Prevent Further Damage to the Dental Crown
Once a dental crown is back in place over a child’s tooth, you will want to take measures to avoid this scenario from happening again. This means helping your child maintain good oral habits that can keep the crown securely in place over the tooth.
The child should avoid biting hard items like fingernails, ice, or the end of a pen. This can exert pressure on the crown that may cause it to break. Ensure they practice good oral hygiene to prevent cavities or gum disease from affecting the fit of the crown. Reach out to your child’s dentist for more preventive care tips for a dental crown.